No Money This Year For Christmas?

Share: So many households this year will be saying that there is no money this year for
Christmas because of the financial problems that the country has run into and also the fact that the cost of gas empties the pocketbook of anyone who has an automobile. But, we can have a great Christmas and New Years by using our imagination on different things we can do for the Holidays, so let's start there.
Starting with the Christmas card list that you have made and marking all of those who have an internet address that you can send ecards to for Christmas and the New Year. Those that you'll send Christmas cards to by regular mail can by costly at $0.42 cents each but can be reduced by sending homemade Christmas postcards to $0.27 cents and making them in the scrapbook image with a picture or two on them. Using ecard and post card type Christmas and New Year cards to send to family and friends you use to send fancy cards to will be cost saving and a fun family project.
Next cost savings will come from the Christmas tree that we buy each year and it's always the most expensive one on the lot. This year we will go into the mountains and cut our own tree after getting a permit to do so and this makes the cost of the tree just the cost of the permit. This is another great saver and a great family project to go out like they did in the earlier days to find a tree in the forest to cut for Christmas. Next come the decorations for the tree and this will truly be a fun and exciting project for the family when doing it.
First off don't buy anything new but use last years lights and then comes the popcorn popped to string for the tree and cranberries to string. Now after saving can lids that have been cut off small cans all year, take some heavy scissors and cut around the lid to the last ring around the center. Then take some glue and glue around the lid and sprinkle glitter all over both sides of the lid with twisting each cut piece, putting a hole in one of the top of each pieces and hang it on the tree.

Share: Now we want some balloons, a can of spray starch and some crochet string for the next decoration that we will make and any color crochet thread will do and scraps will also do as this is what makes these decorations appealing. Blow up the balloons to different sizes and tie a knot in the end of them then spray it with the spray starch and start wrapping your thread in one direction, spray again then start the thread in another direction and do this a few times spray starching to keep it wet and then ending with the spray starch. Let it dry and when it's dry let the air out of the balloon and you will have a wonderful string direction to hand from the ceiling or from the tree if you got them small enough although they are meant for ceiling decorations.
Looking at all of these things that you can do to save money and have a great Christmas and New Years are family oriented and will definitely bring a family closer now that there are terrible struggles financially and there is no money for extras at this time. This is decorating for Christmas and New Years on a basically shoe string and enjoying every bit of doing it.
by: Tom de Zeeuw
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