Top Tips To Maintaining Your Motorcycle

Share: As with anything you want to last, maintaining your motorcycle is essential to keeping it running smoothly on the road
. Listed below are top tips on what to check for on a regular basis to make sure your ride stays at its optimal performance level.
"Check the top of the motorcycle battery and make sure it is free of dirt and grime. Then, with protective glasses and gloves on and doing this in a well-ventilated space, check the electrolyte levels of the battery. Remember, fumes are toxic. Clean connectors and the terminals to ensure battery will work the way it is supposed to. Also, take out all extra sedimentation, mossing and sulfation from it. The longer a bike sits the more sulfation will build on it. Make sure your motorcycle battery is fully charged and if necessary, replace your battery, which you can find at an online battery retailer.
"Check the cables and the clamps and other elements to make sure there is no damage. Inspect the exhaust tube and make sure it doesn"t have any clogs. When you are finished replacing the caps, test the battery with a hydrometer and a voltmeter.
"On a weekly basis, check the tire treads and look for cuts or anything that could eventually cause a blowout. Make sure tires have the proper air pressure to avoid a blowout as well so check before each ride and fill up as needed. Look at both wheels and make sure there are no loose or missing spokes then check the rims for dents and cracks. Lift the wheel off the ground and spin it looking at how it moves. Listen for any noise and check to see if it is loose in any way.
"Look at the oil levels in your cruiser before you go out each time. Be sure to change the oil and filter at a minimum every 2,000 miles but every 1,000 miles would be best. Also, check the coolant level and replenish as needed, replacing the coolant every two years. Check and adjust as needed the chain before every ride and lubricate when needed.
"Lastly check the brake cables and operation before each ride and make sure the pads are at the right thickness as it should be. Be sure to change the brake fluid every two years. Investigate the suspension and chassis for loose nuts, bolts and leaks.
Now you are ready to hop on and go cruising!
by: George Zeed
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