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Why Motorized Treadmills Are More Popular Than Manual Treadmills?

Are you planning to buy new fitness equipment

? Treadmills are high in demand in the fitness and health machine category. Before buying these machines, people mostly think about whether to buy a motorized treadmill or a manual treadmill. Both types are used for exercising and keeping fit, but motorized versions are much more in demand. The basic difference between the two is that in the manual version you have to push the belt with your feet to gain a certain pace, whereas the motorized works electronically with the help of an inbuilt motor.

Manual treadmills are cheap and small in size as compared to the motorized version of the equipment. Although it was believed that one should ideally lose more weight with manual treadmills since the user is applying extra effort and energy to rotate the belt. Unfortunately this theory is not true and in fact people who use motorized version tend to loose more weight. This is because the burning of calories is related to the speed of the treadmill belt and constant pace of the user, which will be good only if you are strong and athletic in shape in case of manual treadmills. While using manual version the user tends to slow down after some time as he gets tired easily resulting into less weight loss, moreover this force keep the knees in constant pressure causing strain on the joints. On the other hand, motorized treadmills are although bigger, expensive and heavy in weight, but are more effective in weight loss regime. This is because user only needs to maintain the pace with the moving rotating belts speed, which is quite convenient and stress free for the knees.

Apart from above differences this equipment has many other digital options for a user to set a particular schedule like choosing speed and inclination angle which takes the monotony out of the workout. This feature motivates the user to experiment and to burn more calories. Cheap treadmill models are being launched in various designs with latest features to meet the requirements of different sections of the society. In all motorized treadmills meet all demands of the users effectively and proves to be a smart option for a healthy life.

by: kirti_saxena
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Why Motorized Treadmills Are More Popular Than Manual Treadmills? Saint Petersburg