Tips For Getting Pregnant With a Girl Baby How to have a girl

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How is My Baby's Sex Determined? Contrary to popular belief, a woman does not determine the sex of her child. Every woman has eggs that contain X chromosomes. If the sperm that fertilizes one of these eggs contains another X chromosome, the result will be a baby girl. However, if the sperm that fertilizes the egg contains a Y chromosome, the woman will give birth to a baby boy.
When a man ejaculates, between 200 and 400 million sperm are released into the woman's vagina. Some of these sperm contain X chromosomes, while some contain Y chromosomes. However, only one sperm is needed to fertilize an egg. All theories regarding at-home gender selection and how to conceive a girl are based on the belief that couples can create an environment that gives an advantage to the sperm containing the X chromosome. But the egg's hours are numbered. After literally waiting a lifetime for this moment, the oocyte can survive only 24 hours after ovulation. This is why it is so critical to detect when ovulation occurs, if you are trying to conceive. However, the saying that "you can only get pregnant one day of the month" isn't true, because sperm can survive up to 5 days, under the right conditions; you could have intercourse on Monday, and conceive on Friday. But your best chance of getting pregnant is having intercourse the same day as ovulation.
The egg, the largest human cell, is unique in another way. Every other cell in your body contains your entire genome in 46 chromosomes, but an oocyte contains only half that number, destined to combine with a matching set carried by a sperm.

Share: The Incredible Oocyte
I'd rather just call an egg an egg, but that'd be too easy for us laypersons so medical science has invented more terms how to have a girlyou should meet the terms:
An oocyte is an unfertilized egg (pronounced oh-oh-site or maybe oh-wuh-site, one of the sillier words in biology) An ovum is an egg after it's been fertilized (plural ova) A gamete or sex cell means either an egg or a sperm.
By any name, the egg is a giantess compared to other cells, in fact it's the largest cell in the human body; at about 100 microns across, it's the size of a small grain of salt, and just barely visible to the naked eye.
The main event of conception is the uniting of the mother and father's chromosomes to form a new, unique human being. Bear with me for a moment while we delve into the fascinating world of your chromosomes.

Share: Chromosomes: Your Genetic BlueprintAll of your body's cells contain chromosomes, which are packages of DNA strands; DNA holds the map of your genes. If you're a human, 46 is the magic number: we have 46 chromosomes, in 23 matched pairs. One chromosome in each pair was contributed by your father, and one by your mother. Every cell in your body contains your complete genetic blueprint, or your genome, in the 46 chromosomes in its nucleus.
If you would like to see tried-and-tested, all-encompassing methods which will help you to conceive a girl, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes all the information you need to successfully choose your baby's gender and has been proven to be 95% accurate.
To see this fully guaranteed, comprehensive risk-free method please visit
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