Cord Blood Storage Offering Immense Future Possibilities For Ones Baby

Share: Stem cell treatment has brought a ray of hope to many patients who are suffering from life threatening diseases
. Previously there was a bleak chance of survival for patients suffering from leukemia, severe anemia, lymphomas, and other inherited red cell (Erythrocyte) abnormalities. There was no available cure and patients would gradually die for want of treatment. The situation has now changed in favour of the patients as stem cell research has given a lot of promise in treating these diseases. An inherent feature of the stem cells is that they are able to boost the bodys regenerative mechanism thus promoting the growth of depleted or damaged cells. Also stems cells can be engineered into different types of cell that can help body grow a damage part. Keeping in mind the life saving property of stem cells, many initiatives have been taken to secure them from the Umbilical Cord and save them for future use. Umbilical Cord is the only source that has a high percentage of stem cells. Umbilical or Baby Cord attaches the baby with the mothers womb, and is severed after the baby has been born. To retrieve the stem cells, cord blood is drawn out from the Baby Cord and then later processed. Various organizations now offer Cord Blood Storage facilities. One can use Cord Blood Banking offering Cord Blood Storage facilities in future in case there is a need. As per one of the estimates, Cord Blood Banking will be big boon for people as the percentage of patients suffering from life threatening disease is going to probably increase in future.

Share: The process to draw the stem cells from cord blood consists of a series of steps. After the cord blood has been retrieved, it goes through a centrifugal treatment to separate the red blood cells and plasma from the stems cells. The stems cells are then stored in special plastic packs and then stored in Cryosave machines. These machines have sub-zero temperatures that preserve the stem cells for practically for life. With Cryosave procedure, one will have access to stem cells during ones life. In near future many Stem Cell Banking facilities are going to come up as more applications of stem cells are found. Stem Cell Banking will give many people one more chance to life in case they suffer from any of the life threatening cancers or diseases.
It will be prudent for mothers to save the Baby Cord blood for future use for their babies as well as other children. Babycell research is going to open many new venues in near future. It is important that mothers-to-be are given proper Pre-born education about the important and use of babycell found in the Umbilical Cord. Most of the women are still not aware about usefulness stem cells in various treatments. Pre-born education can surely result in more women opting for storing the stem cells rather than wasting such a useful resource. In case one needs more information about stem cell research, one can ask ones gynecologists. Gynecologists would be happy to give stem cell information along with useful Pregnancy Tips. One can also find information on various websites. Websites that host Pregnancy Tips also provide information on stem cell research.
by: kevineleven
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