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Things to consider in Visitor Medical Insurance Plans

Things to consider in Visitor Medical Insurance Plans

Things to consider in Visitor Medical Insurance Plans

Visitors who purchase VISITOR MEDICAL INSURANCE while travelling to the USA need to be aware how the plan works. The insurance policy purchased will be legitimate and would be good at ANY doctor or hospital in the US or indeed anywhere outside the insured's homecountry. That said, it will be up to the doctor or hospital whether they will deal directly with the insurance company or make you submit the claim. What we suspect happened is the client wished to have direct billing and no provider would do so.

A call to the insurancecompany may have solved this issue. The refusal to direct bill coul be for several reasons, but most likely because they will likely not have heard of the particular policy the client had since they likely do not get many non-US citizens or residents in their offices.However, they may have heard of the PPO network used by the company (we often try to point this out to our clients) and we are not sure ifthe client used these lists or if there were such providers in theirarea. Even then, however, the provider may not want to do direct billing.

Unfortunately, it is not up to us or even the insurance company if youcan get direct billing with any policy we offer. That is up to the provider that is used. In a non-emergency situation, of course, you can ask the provider what they will do so that you have an idea ofwhat to expect when you walk in their office.Things to consider in Visitor Medical Insurance Plans

In an emergencysituation, we suggest contacting the insurance company as soon as possible to let them know what is going on and see if they can start the billing process with your provider. In short, while not the bestsituation, you must be willing to submit a claim for reimbursement if your provider refuses to do so on your behalf.The only other situation which would cause the policy not to be useful is if the medical procedure desired is not necessary (elective surgeryis never covered) or if due to a pre-existing condition.

In those cases (and others, for details see exclusions listed in any policy brochures), the policies will not covered those medical expenses. We have a limited number of options for those worried about pre-existingconditions, so if this is a concern, be sure you are purchasing the right policy.If we did not feel confident about theVISITOR HEALTHINSURANCE plans we offer, we would not recommend nor sell them on our site.

We know that it is only through our good work and the quality of service provided by us and at medical facilities around the world that we can continue to stay in business. We sell hundreds of policies to visitors allover the world, so it is expected to get some negative review.However, we hope you feel confident about your purchase with us and wedo offer our agency support as well as that from the insurance company so you will have two advocates should the need arise.
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Things to consider in Visitor Medical Insurance Plans