The importance of recycling auto batteries

Share: The importance of recycling auto batteries
Many individuals are becoming more and more aware of the importance of recycling. You may even be organising your very own go-green campaign! But while many people are familiar with recycling regular items such as glass, plastic, metal and paper, one thing they may not think about is recycling car batteries.
This may be the first time you've ever even thought of recycling anything having to do with your vehicle, but rest assured a lot of the parts in your car are recyclable. Consider salvage yards. By disposing of your old, inoperable car through a salvage yard, you are actually allowing it to be recycled since the salvageable parts are removed and re-used in other cars. What this means is that landfill space is not wasted on those parts that will not biodegrade as well as it is way less expensive for car owners.
However, when we consider recycling car batteries, the stakes get higher. This is because the battery itself contains a lot of key elements such as sulphuric acid which can be extremely harmful. Taking the time to recycle your auto battery by disposing of it with the proper recycling plant, however, reduces the associated risks. The recycling plant is able to take the old acid out of the battery and clean it making it available for use in a new battery or other products instead of causing damage to animals, people and plants.

Share: Lead is another harmful substance found in used auto batteries. Due to the risks associated with handling lead, it becomes increasingly important that we recycle car batteries as opposed to simply throwing them away. Similar to sulphuric acid, the lead can be re-used in other products, which is good since up to 21 pounds of lead can be found in the average car battery. When thinking about disposing of your car battery, ensure you get adequate information so that you choose the best facility for auto battery recycling.
Another thing found in car batteries is plastic but unlike sulphuric acid and lead, this plastic is not usually re-used in another battery. It is important to recycle auto batteries because the plant will ensure all impurities are filtered out before the material is used in other goods. Remember, many communities have strict laws regarding the disposal of auto batteries, therefore. recycling is always the best and safest way to go.
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