Auto recycling is the practice of converting an out of date or malfunctioning auto item into a usable item. This process at face value seems to be a very creative environmentally safe means of disposing of old autos or acquiring vehicles or parts at low costs. But many players in this rapidly expanding industry are blissfully unaware of the truth about auto recycling. This truth includes the fact that although auto recycling has its advantages there are also disadvantages.
Salvage Titles Share: One of the spinoff effects of auto recycling is salvage titles. These types of titles indicate that the vehicle has been salvaged. A salvaged vehicle is one that has been written off (as insurance companies often do ) after having attracted serious damage. The vehicle is purchased by salvage companies who either disassemble it and use the parts in the restoration of other vehicles or salvage it by using other parts.The vehicle is then placed on the market as a salvaged vehicle.
State Restrictions on Salvage or Recycled VehicleTitles
Some states require that salvaged vehicles bear this status in their titles. This poses an insurance difficulty for the owner of this vehicle. This problem arises from the fact that salvaged or recycled vehicles tend to have poor reputations and are deemed insurance liabilities by some companies.In some jurisdictions, recycled vehicles are restricted to being driven on minor roads only with driving on highways being forbidden
PollutionAnd AutoRecycling.
Auto recycling has a reputation for pollution reduction. The nature of auto recycling implies that it does reduce the presence of non bio-degradable waste in the world's landfills.This type of vehicle reuse lessens the need for manufacturing of parts and vehicles to suit consumer need. This reduction in industrial activity automatically means a resultant reduction in waste imposed on the environment
Many would be surprised to discover however, that pollution is created by the auto recycling industry. Illicit practices in recycling processes as well as the legal practices contribute to this situation. The final step in the auto recycling process - creating scrap metal raw material - is a process that produces environmental hazards. The metal has to be crushed and melted and a byproduct of these two processes is exhaust. It means therefore that auto recycling can never really go green. The nature of the raw material used in this industry means that it has to have implications for the environment.