The True Meaning of Life is Goodness and Abundance

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There are many people who believe that life is nothing more than a cauldron of trouble and problems, from which there is no escape. Most people never stop to ask themselves whether this belief is actually true. But what would you say if I told you that it is only true in so far as a person believes it to be true? Would you believe me?
The world around us is very real, however it is also in many ways an illusion. For example, life appears to us to be quite orderly and stable, however at the quantum level the physical processes of life and the universe are actually random and unpredictable. Also, matter appears to be stable and solid, however it is in fact made of electrons and protons, which are units of energy. What does this tell us?
It tells us that life is not what it appears to be or what we believe it to be, based upon the information of our five senses. As a result, the beliefs we have and hold so dear about life are based upon faulty conclusions and faulty understandings. In fact, many scientists and philosophers have concluded that the only thing we can be certain of is that we have consciousness, that we are having some kind of a subjective mind experience. Everything else exists in our minds as beliefs, which may or may not be true.
This is amazing and liberating information. It means that if we believe that life is meaningless, cold, full of trouble and toil, this is the very life we will get. And if we believe in the goodness of life and our ability to overcome it, then this is the life we will experience. If it is not in the mind, then it cannot be in life.
The first step then is to believe that greater things are possible, that life is fundamentally good, and that life has meaning and purpose. And this is not just a mind trick, it is really the way things are. It is beyond the scope of this article to go into a long dissertation explaining why this is so, however one simple statement will perhaps shed a little light on the subject. Ask yourself, why would I desire good in my life if there was no good to desire? The universe is governed by good, and the badness and evil we experience exist because of what we think and believe about life. Evil is disorder and chaos, the effect of wrong thinking. If we cease to think evil and believe it, it will disappear, revealing the foundational goodness of the universe.
Life is not a cauldron of problems and misfortune. But do not take my word for it. Test it out for yourself. Purchase a good meditation and positive affirmation program and see for yourself the goodness and abundance that life is waiting to bring to you.
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