The Secret to Unleashing The Infinite, Creative, and Limitless Power of Spirit In Your Life
The Secret to Unleashing The Infinite, Creative
, and Limitless Power of Spirit In Your Life
What would you say if I told you that within you lies an infinite, creative, and limitless power? What would you do if you knew that you could easily access this power through focused meditation, the use of affirmations and denials, and living a life of service and charity? And further, how do you think your life would change if you began unfolding this power in your life today?
It is by now an accepted fact of science that the human mind operates on two levels. The first level is the objective or conscious level. This level of the mind thinks, reasons, makes hypothesis, and makes choices. It is a small part of the overall human mind, the tip of the iceberg so to speak. The second level of the human mind is much larger, and usually operates in the background hidden from the musing, reasoning's, and deliberations of the objective mind. This is the subconscious or unconscious mind. The subconscious is like the part of an iceberg hidden by the water. It is the largest part of the iceberg (ask the Titanic!), and operates largely unseen and in the background. It is easy to take the subconscious mind for granted for this reason, however, it is a mistake to ignore the subconscious.
The subconscious is a giant, and is extremely powerful. It operates largely on suggestion, so whatever you send to it unfiltered by the objective mind will usually end up manifesting itself at some point in your life. Thus it is extremely important to learn to control the influences, thoughts, and suggestions which bombard us on a daily basis, so that our subconscious is focused on only our good.
The conscious and subconscious minds are very powerful. However, they are still limited because they function in the material realm only. They are not infinite, and limitlessly creative. That distinction is held for the higher, or spiritual mind.
The universe we inhabit is very real. However, it is only a small reflection of the sum total of reality. The conscious and subconscious minds, as powerful as they are, are limited by our senses. However, the spiritual or higher mind transcends these limitations through inspiration, wisdom, and truth. Once we learn to access this higher mind, this inner wisdom, we truly overcome. Our lives become infinitely more powerful because spirit is an infinite power. Spirit is the foundation and driving energy of the created, material universe.
This spiritual mind, the Power of the Spirit, is the real Secret, and the Master Key to truly manifesting goodness and abundance in life. Through meditation, focused affirmations and denials, and good works we can release into our lives more good than we can imagine.
How do you contact the higher mind? By spending time, each morning and evening, entering the silence and learning to listen to its voice. By practicing affirmations and denials which strengthen and fortify your mind and heart. And by living a life of service and commitment to oneself, and one's neighbor.
We are more than we imagine because we have access to the infinite power of spirit. Begin practicing meditation and affirmations today and watch your life begin to change in ways you never imagined.
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The Secret to Unleashing The Infinite, Creative, and Limitless Power of Spirit In Your Life Alagoa Nova