The Sunshine Coasts Potential For Growth

Share: When you have such a wonderful scenic place as the Sunshine Coast there are always
going to be the tug of war over growth scenarios, some want to keep it the same, others want to let the new ones come in. Lower housing cost and help for local business owners are some benefits for continuing the growth, but some are concerned more growth will spoil the peacefulness they have come to know.
A piece of paradise is what this region has to offer, and isn't it a little selfish to not share the beauty and culture of this region with others? The problem then is simply finding a way to let some developers in without merely opening the flood gates to overdevelopment and the problems that this can cause to this region of beauty.
The developers of all types have submitted over 3000 requests to develop industry and subdivisions, this creates quite a logjam for the Coasts council. They will need to be picky as they evaluate these requests, industry brings jobs but they also might ruin some of the beauty that nature has given this area. Some development is alright though as some subdivisions are more attractive than the original patch of land where it started.
Adding another 75,000 people to the local area is the current goal of the Bligh government. But the local citizenry must recieve incentives and the infrastructure must be upgraded and appended to accommodate these additional folks.
It will probably take some time to sort through all these issues but overall a steady growth rate and increase in businesses to the region as well as an influx of new citizens will surely help contribute to the overall function of the region and will help keep the tourism dollars flowing as well. Although we are not looking to make the Sunshine Coast another Gold Coast region, most residents would agree that some growth is inevitable to sustain this region.
by: Zane Archer
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