Need A Budget Break? Think Holidays In Uk Resorts!

Share: Nothing is more synonymous with family holidays in UK resorts than the great British seaside
, the iconic location for lazy days of sunbathing and ice cream, donkey rides and amusements on the pier.
It's no surprise that many people nowadays are returning to holidays in UK destinations; after all, holidaying in Britain means none of the hassle of travelling abroad, flying at odd times and trying to figure out how to make your way to your destination after you've landed.
But of course, the stress-free properties of a British holiday aren't its only perks. Our island is surrounded by water and offers some of the best and most beautiful coastline there is. From the dramatic cliffs and coves of the South West coast to the miles of golden sand offered in resorts such as Skegness, there's a coastal resort to suit all tastes in Britain.
Why not take the children away in the summer for a week or two in the South West? The beaches and coast line in counties such as Cornwall and Devon are stunning, offering tiny hidden coves and beaches to explore, as well as smugglers' secret passageways in the caves and derelict lighthouses. Witness little fishing boats bobbing on the sea at night, and dine on some of the freshest fish available in local restaurants.

Share: Another huge plus point that choosing holidays in UK resorts has over trips abroad is that any beloved pets can come along too, rather than being left in the kennels or cattery. Taking a pet abroad can be an expensive business, with vaccinations and passports to consider, and leaving a pet in boarding can also prove costly, so taking your pets with you means everybody's happy, and your pet gets to enjoy a holiday too!
Since the credit crunch hit Britain, our pound massively devalued against the Euro, meaning that once-cheap holidays abroad in European destinations became a thing of the past, at least for the time being. The fluctuation in currency exchange hiked up the cost of visiting traditionally reasonably-priced countries such as Spain, as activities like dining out and drinking wine became more expensive than British prices.
With Recession-hit Britain making cutbacks to survive the tough economic times, it's no wonder that so many people have switched to holidays in UK locations. We all need something to look forward to, and cutting out the luxury of a foreign holiday isn't really cutting back at all, when you see how wonderful and diverse our country is to take a holiday in.
by: Dominic Donaldson
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