The Seven Wonders Of The World

Share: The Seven Wonders of The World holds the imagination of the tourists and interest of historians alike
. Constructed at different points of time, at various places, the Seven Wonders of the World is the manifestation of some great dream, some great abilities and some great efforts;
The magnificent Statue of Zeuswas was constructed around 440BC. The foundation of the statue was 6.5m wide and 1m in height. The length of the statue was 13m and the statue was polished with Gold and Ivory.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu was made by the pharaoh Khufu approximately in 2560BC.
It is 136m in height with each side measuring 229m.

Share: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the terraced gardens created by Nebuchadnezzar for his queen Amuhia in nearly 600BC. Each terrace was approximately 100m high and a water tank was put at the highest point to water the plants.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was constructed in the fond reminiscence of King Mausollos. It was finished around 350BC and was 40m high, decorated with friezes on all the four sides. In the early fifteenth century, the Knights of St John of Malta made a huge crusading castle which they equipped using the stones of the Mausoleum
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was constructed around 350BC. The Temple was decorated with bronze statues carved by the very competent artists of their time. The shrine served as both a marketplace and a religious Eastablishment.
The Colossus of Rhodes The building of the Colossus took nearly 12 years and was completed in 282 BC. This statue of Sun God was made of bronze and toughened with iron. The huge statue climbed to a height of 32m and rested besides Mandrakion harbour.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria This is a place which one should visit on travel to Alexandria Off Alexandria's coast there is a small island: Pharos. The island was linked to the mainland by means of a dike - the Heptastadion - which provided the city with a double harbor. And because of risky and unsafe sailing conditions and flat coastline in the area, the building of a lighthouse was mandatory.
The Taj Mahal A tomb of white marble constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in the fond memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal; the Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world. The work began in 1631 and it took approximately 22 years for completion. It is an emblem of everlasting love. One must visit this beautiful wonder, especially on a full moon night. It is appropriately called the eighth wonder of the world.
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