Few Forgotten Wonders Of The World

Share: Big Ben
Big Ben
Probably the very famous clock in the world, Big Ben is in fact the name given to the largest bell nearly 13.5 tons within The Clock Tower approximately 320ft which gives shape to the part of the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.

Share: Constructed in the year 1859 the bell was given the name behind Sir Benjamin Hall and when it was put it was Britain's most heavy bell.
The four hands of the clock each with the length of 23ft, the minute arms are 14ft lengthy and the digits on each face are virtually 2 feet far above the ground. The exactness of the clock progress is controlled by the insertion of older pennies in the apparatus.
There is a light put at the apex of the tower which, when lit, point toward that the House of Commons is having a meeting. Throughout the day you can inform if they're sitting by gazing for a flag at the peak of the close by Victoria Tower which is the highest and chief of the Westminster towers.
The tower that has the Big Ben has been entitled many names, one of the mainly popular being St Stephen's Tower.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was mainly constructed for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, inaugrated the tower. Out of the 700 designs put forward in a design contest, Gustave Eiffel's was collectively chosen.
At 300 metres and 320.75m inclusive of the satellite dish tower, and 7000 tons, it was the world's highest building till 1930..
It was more or less frayed down in 1909, but was saved for the reason of its antenna - used for telegraphy at that particular time. Launched in 1910 it was developed to be the part of the International Time Service. French radio and French television have as well made use of its height.
All through its lifetime, the Eiffel Tower has also observed a few bizarre scenes, together with being scaled by a hiker in 1954, and parachuted off of in 1984 by two British men. In nearly 1923 a reporter ride a racing bike downward from the primary level. Some explanations say he rode along the stairs, other suggest that he came down from the outer surface of one of the tower's four legs which slant outward.
This beautiful tower has three platforms. A restaurant which is exorbitantly expensive and also needs prior reservation, the Jules Verne is on the subsequent platform. The top platform has a bar for alcohol lovers, memento shop, and the lately the office of Gustave Eiffel has been restored over there.
by: alivia.martin@yahoo.in
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