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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Insurance

The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Insurance

You will never find ONE person who went shopping for automobile insurance

, had it all figured out and had absolutely no questions about anything. A smart bunch will turn to the Internet for help, to gain some insight into the confusing world of automobile insurance and automobile insurance quotes. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions asked by shoppers.

What is the minimum coverage that I need?

The minimum coverage you are required to carry on a vehicle varies from State to State, so it is advisable to visit your local department of motor vehicles (DMV) to find out just how much the minimum coverage is.

What if I choose to drive my car without insurance?

Most states in the country have very strict laws about having car insurance. People who choose to not buy insurance might have to pay heavy penalties or fines, if caught driving without insurance. Such people might stand a chance to have their drivers license revoked. They could be charged with breaking the law and could make it to the police records. Furthermore, if you are responsible for an accident, you will be held responsible and will be expected to pay for the damages caused to the other vehicle.

Suppose I lend my car to my friend or relative. Is he/she covered under my policy should they meet with an accident?

Yes, in most cases. Any one driving your car is covered under your policy in case he or she meets with an accident as long as they have permission or reasonable belief to use your car. Everyone who lives in your house and plans on driving your car must be listed as a driver on your policy.

Can I save money on car insurance?

Of course, you can. There are many ways in which you can save on car insurance. Insurance companies offer different kinds of discounts to its customers. Some of the discounts you should inquire about are:

Multi-vehicle discount

Multi-policy discount

Defensive driver discount

Low-mileage discount

Good student discount

What factors affect the cost of your auto insurance?

There are several factors that affect the cost of your auto insurance. Some of these factors are:

You age and marital status

Model and make of the car

Whether or not you use the car for daily transportation

The city in which you live

Your driving record

Your credit history

Most people find insurance to be a sticky subject. There is just SO much information on the Internet these days that it can get quite confusing. Your best bet is to do read up on as many articles as you can, speak to friends and family about their experiences with insurance, consult professionals in the field and THEN go ahead with buying insurance. Remember, it doesnt always have to be so difficult! With just a little bit of guidance, you too can make a smart decision about auto insurance.

by: Bethany Collins
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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Insurance