Precisely Why Automobile Insurance Discriminates On Gender

Share: There are a lot of car insurance companies out there
. Almost any person is capable of getting insurance coverage from at least one of the companies. However, for whatever reason, auto insurance for men is typically more expensive than a policy for a woman with the exact same profile. There has to be a reason for this.
Of course, historically men were considered a higher risk because they were the ones that drove to work every day and had to drive more and further than nearly all women. Ladies were often limited to working close to home or to working at home and looking after the children. This meant they were in most cases on the road less and so presented less of a risk to auto insurance companies. Consequently car insurance for women was less expensive than car insurance for men. This is not the case any more however yet car insurance companies still have a tendency to offer lower premiums to women than to men.
Ladies nowadays often have just as much driving to do as the men do. They work exactly the same jobs and also work the same hours and therefore are on the roads at the same high risk times as the men. The present rates are usually based more on psychological makeup than on the quantity of driving each gender does on average. It is primarily the psychological difference which makes car insurance for women less expensive than car insurance for men.
It has been established within psychological profiles which males tend to be more inclined to take more risks than women do. They will have a tendency to take the smaller gap and are more inclined to drive quicker and prefer the faster cars if they are given the choice. Women on the other hand tend to drive slower and therefore are much more hesitant to take a gap that doesn't appear to big quite large enough for their car. They also tend to drive bigger more practical cars and prefer space and comfort over performance because they are still the parent that's left transporting the kids. This does not mean that ladies tend to get into less accidents than males do but it does mean the average accident a woman will be involved in will be less severe than an accident a man will be involved with.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and there are plenty of women out there that drive as carelessly as the average guy does and there are men who take a lot of care when driving. This is why there is now an increasing trend towards performance based car insurance rates. Car insurance businesses will install a tracking device inside your vehicle that gives them information about your driving habits and your premium is based on your individual driving routines. This means that if you are inclined to speed as well as jump red lights you will pay more on your own month-to-month premium than if you were to behave yourself. However, for now, car insurance for women is still cheaper than car insurance for men.
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by: Neville Parmley
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