The Increasing Horror -Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Treatment
The Increasing Horror -Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Treatment
About one in fifteen Americans suffer today from some form of bipolar disorder. These individuals may only suffer from some of the bipolar symptoms while others are on the way to full blown bipolar depression. Two different types of bipolar disorders exist.
The type one and type two disorders are the most common. People dealing with type one bipolar disorder often experience random psychotic episodes and mood swings. The type two disorder deals with the more severe bipolar symptoms. At one time, it was thought that teens were the age group that most often has to deal with bipolar disorder but many younger and older individuals have been diagnosed with bipolar symptoms over the last few years.
Unfortunately, many people will experience the symptoms for many years before people decide to seek any professional help. Because most people mistake the manic depression symptoms for mood swings, people do not seek help as quickly as possible. Often the horror is enhanced because of this long wait. Finding the right bipolar treatment can be difficult and expensive. Once the depressive phase has been reached, trying to help an individual back to earlier stages can be hard to accomplish.
A bipolar treatment does often work very well when the individual sticks to the treatment. Unfortunately, many people stop taking the medications because they believe they no longer need the medications. The fact that the medication is working is part of the 'catch-22' problem.
Once the individual is off the bipolar treatment, things begin to get worse but the individual often will not be able to recognize the slide until it is too late. Trying to deal with this horrendous cycle of being on the medication and getting off the medications is the biggest challenge that bipolar individuals and their families have to deal with on a daily basis.