Skin cancer surgery in India by experienced plastic surgeons
Skin cancer surgery in India by experienced plastic surgeons
Due to direct exposure to the sun's rays over 80% percent of skin cancers appear on the head, neck and lips. Some cancers such as skin cancer can leave severe disfigurations. When these occur on visible areas of the body such as the face, neck, arms or hands skin cancer surgery is often an option to help the patient recoup a more normal appearance and lifestyle. If you want to undergo skin cancer surgery in India then there are many hospitals and clinics in cities like Mumbai and Bangalore who offer this procedure at low cost. Medical tourism in India offers a special service for prospective patients with impartial advice and helps to find the 'right' doctor, plastic surgeon, hospital or clinic. Skin cancer surgery in India is done by high quality and hypo allergic pharmacological treatments with standard and state of the art equipments for treatment of acute and chronic skin problems.
Many small skin cancers are removed by simple skin cancer surgery. The surgeon, dermatologist or nurse specialist will remove the lump and also some normal-looking skin around it to try to ensure that the skin cancer has completely gone.If the cancer is fairly small, the operation will usually be done under local anaesthetic. In Moh's surgery, the tumour is removed piece by piece. As each piece is removed, it is examined under a microscope straight away. Skin tissue is gradually removed until there are no signs of any cancer cells. Skin cancer surgery in India is done with technique that aims to remove as little healthy skin as possible, while making sure that the all cancer has been taken away.Moh's surgery is particularly useful for basal cell cancers that have come back in the same place, or where the doctor thinks that the cancer has begun to spread into the surrounding area. It is also sometimes used for skin cancers on the face or for large skin cancers.
The skin cancer surgery center at Mumbai and Bangalore attract International patients with its excellent reputation, modern tertiary hospital setting and world-class results and reward you with a surgery that could boost your confidence. In the recent years, many people from all over the world have opted for a holiday in India, combined with surgery at prices lower than what they would have to pay for the surgery alone in their countries. Skin cancer surgery in India provides complete range of cosmetic, surgical procedures to rejuvenate your appearance along with great aesthetics modalities and varieties from laser and injection to advanced surgery. Medical tourism in India can assist you take beauty and new experience of refreshing your self-esteem together with tranquility of your spirit in the natural serenity of India. To get more info on Skin cancer surgery in India visit us at Or mail your quires at
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