The Face Of Finnish Women by:Gregory Barr

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Finnish Women,You Gotta Love Em!
Women are women the world over and after living here in Helsinki Finland for some years now I have gotten to know some of the lifestyle and traits of The Finnish Women as both friends and personal
Sure I know and knew British women but it is not the same.!I found on my last visit to the UK that the ladies there were going through the a phase aptly named"Girl Power".Baring in mind this was only in 2008.I am all for women finding their inner identity and strength.It is long over due in England,where the stereotypical type of the home was the working man as the head of the house and family.However as British women have become emancipated they have also set the line I feel a little to high.Today in The UK, the British Women have flogged their new found power and in some cases openly flaunt,breech the peace and generally are loud mouthed and rude and almost insulting.Approaching British women to instigate a friendly conversation usually more often than not is seen as an intrusion and commentated with a sly"What you looking for"This is the total opposite to Finnish women and their social behaviors
Finnish Women Are Balanced & Fun Sure enough as in relationship there will be its ups and downs and it is not unca Friday night balling at their Finnish or foreign boyfriends.I suspect alcohol plays a major part in this behavior.But on the whole it fires up and quickly extinguishes,followed by a get together of friends and a make up.Finnish men who have a tremendous amount of self-restraint when it comes to these matters and are some how aware that Finnish women are very special,after all if it was not for their mothers they would not be here.With the establishment of The Council for Equality in 1972 in Finland,Finnish women have gained more respect although Finnish women were already viewed by Finnish Men with privileged respect for centuries,as Finnish Women were participating in an equal and trusting relationship with their spouses.
Finnish Women enjoy their single status
The vast majority of Finnish women have also traveled extensively before settling down.Why get laden with family responsibilities at such a young age?There is a whole world to discover,places to see and people to meet.Nearly all bar a few Finnish women I have the pleasure of knowing have not considered settling down until their mid thirties.You would be hard pressed not to find an interesting Finnish women who has experience of traveling and different cultures.As I see it this brings another rich dimension to any relationship in the blossoming.I don't know about you,but I would rather share experiences,laugh and cry with some one who has at least been in similar situations in the journey of life.It has been a joy and journet to know Finnish Women
About the author
Gregory Barr is a British Expatriateliving in Finland for 23 years.I offer news on Finland,travel sights, bviews of Finland,Finnish Culture,Customs,history and most important places to see and visit when in Finland or Helsinki.
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