Face Lift For Men And How It Can Help
What do you do when you start looking (and feeling) old
? There's the tummy tuck for the gut, and Botox for the wrinkles. But what more and more men are doing these days is getting an overall overhaul with a face lift.
The face lift is effective for fighting all kinds of signs of aging. Sagginess can be lifted up to give you a more youthful look. You can get tissue removed that droops and makes you look tired. A little contouring can go a long way in making you look brighter and healthier.
For Men
The manly version of the face lift is not so different from the feminine version. The female version has been used for many years, long before men started seeing the benefit of the operation. The main difference is the scar placement. Because men wear their hair shorter, the incisions must be made further into the hairline to keep them hidden.
But there's one thing that makes the men's version a little trickier. Men have more blood vessels in their face than women do. This means that they have to pay extra special attention to doctor's orders after surgery to allow the blood to clot and heal properly.
Getting The Look You Want
Just about anything can be done these days with this surgery. You can add life to a drooping nose, pick up sagging jowls, give the eyebrows and cheeks a lift. Reducing sagginess and droopiness gives you a more youthful appearance and stops you from having that "tired" look.
The second most exciting part (second only to seeing your new look in the mirror!) is exploring your options with a skilled plastic surgeon. They have pictures, computer imaging and years of expertise to help you actually see what you'll look like after it's over.
Risks For Men
Like all surgery, there are some potential risks. Complications could occur because of anesthesia, during surgery or during recovery. Luckily, this procedure has been carried out many times, and a competent surgeon will know exactly what to do to minimize these risks. If you have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia used, your doctor can use something else instead.
The key to a successful operation is good communication with your doctor. Make sure you know exactly what to expect, and follow their instructions after the operation. All risks can be avoided easily by early detection and prevention.
Have a talk with a skilled plastic surgeon in your area and see what the face lift for men can do for you. Your future will thank you!
by: Abigail Aaronson
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