The twentieth had seen the proliferation Christmas trees
. Shops and store began selling thetrees for decoration as people began buying it to place in their homes. In New York City, US ahuge and brilliant Christmas tree is flaunted at the Rockefeller Centre. In Chile, their ownversion of Xmas trees is seen inside their homes. In the Philippines, most if not all homes haveeither a Christmas dcor or tree displayed. A candle decorated tree can be seen in Denmarkhomes and outside the missionary dwellings in Taiwan decorated trees can be spotted. Worldwide,Christmas trees are exhibited except maybe in some Muslim nations. Christmas trees aregenerally set up in the 2nd week of December; however shops had displayed it earlier forbusiness reasons. AS early as August, decorated trees are displayed in the United Kingdom. Inthe United States, they set it up just after the celebrate Thanksgiving. Pine cone decoratedtrees are very common in Egypt. Christmas trees stays until January 6 or 7, after the Epiphanywhich is the time when Jesus was revealed as the Son of God.