The American Automobile Industry

Share: United States boasts of the largest automobile manufacturing and trading sector in the world
. Professionals from the auto industry have, over time, rigorously followed a streamlined and efficient method of mass-production, ensuring that a large number of vehicles and related accessories were produced every year. Due emphasis was placed on the quality of the manufactured automobiles as well. Different automobile models are readily available in the American markets, with cars, trucks, SUVs, crossover vehicles and light carriers being some of the major varieties. Popular trade shows like the Orlando International Auto Show also go a long way in providing further thrust to the already booming US automobile sector.
The national automotive sector in America has long been served by the so-called Big Three auto companies Ford, General Motors and Chrysler. One of the key reasons behind the sustained business successes of these companies has been the continuous product research studies that have been conducted by all the three companies. The importance of keeping a regular tab on the latest innovations and advancements from the automotive sector is not lost on the vehicle manufacturers of the country. Orlando International Auto Show and similar such trade events bring to the fore the technological intricacies that are involved in creating efficient, high-quality and commercially viable vehicles.
Over the years, the importance of the automobile industry has consistently gone up in the US national economy. Currently, this sector alone accounts for around 5 per cent of the total Gross Domestic Product of the country. The employment potential of this sector is high too, with more than 3.3 million people involved in automobile businesses. A wide range of luxury vehicles are also manufactured in the country. A visit to the
International Auto Show Orlando is ideal for anyone wishing to get a comprehensive overview of the different car models that are available in the country.
The automobile industry has a significant role to play in the foreign trade sector of the country too. Vehicles of American make are regularly exported to more than 200 countries all across the globe. Over 2.3 million automobiles are traded in the global markets, fetching revenues in excess of USD 58 billion. An extensive range of high-performance, export-quality cars are showcased at several American automobile shows, including the
Orlando Auto Show 2011.

Share: Research studies have shown that automobiles are the second most prized possession for US citizens. In such a scenario, it is only natural that, end users would look for cars that provide an ideal blend of reliability and stylish design features. Keeping the high levels of consumer demand under consideration, manufacturers are constantly coming up with new and innovative motor vehicles and related accessories. At events like the Orlando International Auto Show, several such sophisticated vehicles are displayed to the attendees.
With demand levels in the domestic as well as the international markets escalating at a rapid pace and new vehicle companies also starting commercial operations in the country, the American automobile sector seems poised for greater success in the near future.
by: Angelina christy
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