Why You Should List Your Car Online

Share: The best answer to that would be that those who don't are missing out big time on a huge market
. You need list any personal information in your online ad that might compromise your safety. You list your phone number and/or email address. You accept the calls that come in and answer your emails. You decide whether the caller or emailer is a potential buyer and run the entire show yourself.
Prior to the advent of the internet, the options were limited for car sellers. You could park your car in your driveway with a "For Sale" sign on it, or you could put a sign on the back window and drive it around and hope for the best.
For a few more bucks you could place an ad in the local newspaper or magazine specializing in used car sales. This took some preparation so your ad would go in before the publishing deadline.
They could trade in their old car as a down payment for a newer one at a car dealership. If they didn't want a new or newer car they could consign it to a dealer who would get them a few cents on the dollar much as if they gave it to a pawn shop.

Share: The Internet has opened cyberspace to fabulous opportunities for the seller. Today's on-line ads do not limit you to four small lines of copy. The sky's the limit. You are able to spell out all the details of the car's condition, maintenance records, driving history, recent repairs, and anything else that may increase its value or generate interest.
Even though you will be adding photos, you can include car's color. You can give the buyer a general idea of the mileage, the selling price, your contact info, and the best time to reach you.
Most sites allow one photograph, many will allow more. Whatever, you want the car to be sparkling clean before you snap that picture and take those shots in sunlight rather than shade for best results. If the site allows you more than one picture, take pictures from the angles that clearly show the car's condition.
No need to concern yourself with deadlines. You can download your ad information in the morning and start receiving calls immediately. You might just sell your car before the time it would have taken to have run your newspaper or magazine ad.
Those low-tech newspapers ads can be expensive as well, particularly if you include a detailed description of the car. Online car ads are cheap and give you lots of room for a detailed description. Some sites even offer free ad space. Many will guarantee you a sale or refund your money, and others will run your ad continuously until a sale is made.
Research several sites before you commit to the one(s) you will use. Surf the net yourself for a car like yours and find sites that are easiest to navigate and the most appealing to your eye. Ask your acquaintances or family members to find one who has put their car up for sale online. Their first-hand experience will give the best information available on the subject.
by: Ryan Letterman
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