If you are going to teach kids about money you must first realize that this is going to be important to how they choose to look at money in the future. Basically how they are able to learn now is how they will work with money when they are adults. So you need to make sure and think about how you are doing to talk about money.
It is so important that you have a positive influence on your kids when you are teaching them about money which is why you might need some help. There are some main ways that children learn and by knowing these you will have better chance of teaching them right. These include major incidents, modeling behaviors, and verbal programming.
Basically talking to your kids about money is all that verbal programming is. You should see what they already know and what they think based on what they have heard. Once you know this you can figure out what direction your conversations need to go in order learn things.
One of the hardest things to do when it comes to money is be constantly aware of modeling behaviors. This is because there is always going to be something that your kids pick up from the way that you think and act or talk about money. So if you want your kids to have a healthy relationship with money then you should exhibit the same for yourself.
Another thing that can really shape how kids think of money is the major incidents that they are exposed to. This includes how they are shown financial matters and issues from other people. So if your kids are constantly exposed to people who are smart with money and successful then they will look up to these things.
Most parents are overly concerned and pressured to make sure that their children have a healthy relationship and outlook on money. This includes that they are overly pressured when they teach kids about money. To make sure that you teach the right things have a script for yourself and think about what you are going to say before you say it.