Lots of kids do not actually understand the value of money, nor do they understand what responsible saving or spending is. This is usually because they do not earn any money and usually just use their parents money. To help teach your children about the true value of money, you should provide them with ways to make money and this article has some handy tips on ways for kids to make money that you can use.
A great way for kids to earn some cash is to make them do some regular chores in exchange for payment. This does not mean that they need to be paid every time they wash the dishes though. Instead, pay them for larger projects, like washing the car or painting walls.
If you do not mind having your child go to other people's homes to do work, your child might be able to earn some cash by doing little jobs for your neighbors. Many kids will go to their neighbor's houses and mow their lawns or help them out with other odd jobs.
It is quite common for kids to take up a paper route. A paper route is a solid job that provides your child with an income, provided they complete their route on time each week. Encourage your child to take up the route and to manage their schedule wisely.
If your kids love making odd little things or great little inventions, let them try selling their ideas or products. You can go door to door or you could set up a little store in your front yard with them. You can also have them try selling good old fashioned lemonade.
There are tons of ways for kids to make money. Be sure to encourage them and provide them with tons of support as they take their first steps into the working world. Also, teach them some valuable lessons along the way about saving and spending wisely.