Supply and Demand - Manufacturing Companies Are Fighting Globalization and Sustainability
Supply and Demand - Manufacturing Companies Are Fighting Globalization and Sustainability
Innovation and adaptation are words commonly echoed throughout the manufacturing industry. To survive in a demanding fast-paced economy, companies must alter their current business practices and accommodate the needs of a growing market.
Constantly challenged by aggressive global competition and a "need it now" economy, leveraging technology such as video and web conferencing, provides manufacturing companies with a way to not only survive, but to thrive. These tools equip businesses with a solution to drastically reduce operating costs by giving them options to maintain sustainability and further expand business into a global market. Video and web conferencing can be used to:
Conduct training sessions with distributors - There is no need for training teams to spend time and money travelling around various parts of the world to inform distributors on production line status updates and changes. Training staff can stay in-house and use video and web conferencing to conduct one large training session with all distribution locations at the same time.
Collaborate remotely with suppliers and vendors - Instantly connect manufacturing locations with suppliers and vendors. By keeping the information moving between them, there is less chance of supplies running out, ultimately reducing the product's time to market.
Oversee product production and life cycles - Management teams and executives can use video conferencing to participate in product inspections, remotely track product development progress and make sure things are running smoothly without having to physically be there.
Educate, train and update staff - When employees are spread around different locations, it is hard to keep everyone on the same page. Holding regular online meetings, whether to release updates, train new staff members or for general education unites staff members and builds employee moral.
Connect inaccessible teams for brainstorming sessions - Development teams in Los Angeles can sync up with teams in London to go over product design progress, development problems and work together on new ideas.
Reach out to experts for advice - When a problem arises in development or production, video and web conferencing provides flexibility to immediately maximize expert resources without waiting for them to come to a specific location.
Find and screen offshore partners - Hold video interviews with potential partners who may be located over seas. Get a better sense for their business environment as well as provide access to virtual equipment demonstrations and plant tours.
Gain new customers and retain old ones - Being readily available to a customer builds up a businesses brand. When customers need help or need to have items repaired, technical staff members can immediately conduct a visual diagnosis as well as offer remote instructional support.
Video and web conferencing provides a solution for some of the most pressing challenges faced in the manufacturing industry. Companies no longer have to spend a high percentage of their money and time worrying about globalization and sustainability issues. Video and web conferencing gives businesses a compe
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Supply and Demand - Manufacturing Companies Are Fighting Globalization and Sustainability Vairano Patenora