Speed Dating The Autobahn Route To Finding Chemistry
Share: Online dating has certainly revolutionized the way that men and women meet
. You can expand beyond your circle of friends and meet that person who is perfect for youon paper. You've spent hours over a few weeks getting to know all about each other. They are perfect same hobbies, same aspirations, similar values and beliefs.
And then you meet and the chemistry is not there. Disappointing? Absolutely because in the end, if there is no sexual attraction, it doesn't matter how perfect you are for each other on paper.
People are highly visual, men probably more so. It takes a man less than 10 minutes upon meeting a date to make a judgment on this person as a potential mate. True, it may just be physical attraction but this is absolutely necessary in order to move to the next stage chemistry. Chemistry is that special mixture of physical combined with personality and emotional attraction. Most of us crave that connection and it sometimes can take many blind dates to find someone that we feel that magic' towards.
Speed dating is like taking the autobahn on your road to finding that special person.
Share: Let's do the math. In one night, you have the potential of meeting up to twenty-four members of the opposite sex. How long would it have taken you to meet twenty-four singles in your age range through friends and acquaintances? How long would it take to have gone through the online dating process? Sure you can be chatting with twenty-four people on the internet but it will take you a minimum of a month (assuming you can only date one person each day) to meet those people and that is after countless months of emailing back and forth.
And the cost? Speed dating is a lot less expensive than dating individually. Let's say the average date is $20. coffee dates are less but the dinner dates are much higher. Fourteen dates would cost approximately $500. plus gas and parking. So speed dating can, in fact, be a great financial approach!
There is a misconception that the modern' dating approaches are unromantic and can draw desperate people. But think about. If you are not attractive and confident in your appearance, would you subject yourself to being judged by fourteen members of the opposite sex? How devastating would it be to find out that out of all the people you met, no one found you attractive enough to want to ask on a date?
So in fact, the true is opposite. Speed dating tends to appeal to people that feel good about themselves. People that walk in the room with their head up high and command attention. People that know they are attractive and don't mind being judged on physical appearances. It's not to say that everyone is George Clooney or Jennifer Anniston but probably higher than average in confidence.
So why not give it a try? The odds are pretty good that out of two dozen people, there will be that special person whose smiles tugs at your heart strings. And what better time than spring to experience the butterflies that comes with meeting someone that you connect with?
by: Laura Bilotta
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