? A document that establishes the terms of a contract between the consumer and an auto shipper company. Under which the cargo is to be moved between specific points for a specific price. So whats that mean in English. A bill of lading is a contract between the auto shipper company and you. Prior to shipping your vehicle. The auto shipper company will give you a bill of lading before your car is transported. Make sure before you place your auto shipper order. Its a good idea to see a copy of the auto shipper terms & conditions. You'll want to see a copy of the terms and conditions before you proceed with placing your reservation. You can find this on the back page of the bill of lading. This is usually refereed to as the "fine print".
Also prior to you vehicle being loaded on to the truck. The driver of the truck will fill out an auto shipper report. With you being there or an authorized rep. for you. Before you go ahead your paperwork needs to be verified and signed in advance. Make sure the transporter gives you a copy of this report before your automobile leaves its origin. You'll be presented with the same report when your car is transported. So if there are any claims of vehicle damage at this point will be based on the condition of your car compared to whats on the bill of lading.
When your vehicle is picked up it will more then likely be in the same condition as it was when it first left from its original point by the auto shipper. However if your car was dropped off with any damaged by transportation. write it all down in full detail on the bill of lading and make sure the truck driver signs off on this document before you accept your car back.