Some Reisterstown, Md Athletic Injury Safety Tips

Share: Reisterstown Chiropractic is a great place to get relief from sports related injuries and accidents
. But your objective this week is to keep free from injury. Have fun burning off some calories this week, but stay safe while you do it.
This is great idea, but if you injure yourself and have to take time off from work, or worse end up in the hospital, it becomes a counterproductive activity. So take care before you jump on the bike or put on your in line skates.
Wear a helmet if you take your bike on the road. Even if you are on secluded bike path wear a helmet. And certainly wear one if you are on a busy highway. Buy one that fits snugly but not too tight. Make sure the helmet is approved by the bicycle safety board.
If go skating, remember to wear more than your in line skates. Wear a helmet when skating as well. You should also wear elbow guards and knee guards. Consider being fitted for a mouth guard to protect your lovely smile in case you fall and strike your mouth on a hard surface.
Do you like to take the snow board up to the ski slopes in the winter time? Well, you need to take some precautions to protect yourself. Do you know the most common injury that snow boarders suffer? If you said wrist injury, you would be right because people tend to fall backwards and try to break their fall with their hands.
People think that the snow is always soft. But this is not always the case. The snow where you are snow boarding, can be hard and you can easily break your wrist. Make sure to curl your fingers before you fall if you are going to try to break your fall. Have fun this year, but stay safe. When an injury occurs seeing the team at Reisterstown chiropractic can provide the assistance you need quickly.
by: Fernando Ketter.
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