How Lawyers For Birth Injuries Can Help You?

Share: A birth injury is an injury that happens to the child during or after the birth process
. The reasons for such injuries can be numerous. Sometimes the injury is due to the natural birth process; and at times it can be a result of medical malpractice. If it is due to medical negligence, the family might receive compensation for the damages caused to their child.
The causes of injuries vary widely from strained to torn nerves, to trauma, to brain damage, to lack of oxygen. The main problem with birth injuries is that some can be detected within a few hours of birth; but many others cannot be detected till later in life, which may relate to learning disabilities or when other characteristics related to brain damage become apparent.
Another reason for an injury or death of a baby is that due to improper diagnostics, the foetus is mature and swallows its own faecal; other injuries are caused by the excessive force or rotation in birth process or the misuse of vacuum extraction.
Due to the above mentioned causes of birth injuries, the baby with a birth injury is hard to diagnose in most of the cases and if diagnosed the treatment is a long process, which might include immediate surgery or long term medication, care and therapy, which could be physical or mental.

Share: Moreover, children born with birth injuries might never be able to take care of themselves or earn a living. Thus the governments all around the world, especially in the developed countries provide a living for such children, as the injury or the permanent deformation might have occurred due to the negligence of the medical staff.
In such cases, whenever the parents get to know the shortcomings in their child and can relate it to some incident in the birth process, must consult attorneys to support their case. There are lawyers and law firms, which are specialized in dealing with birth-defect or birth-injury cases. These lawyers work in coalition with the medical experts to find out, whether the birth injury was natural or due to the negligence of the medical staff because sometimes it happens that the medical staff does everything to avoid the birth injury but cannot save the baby from it.
The birth injury lawyers first get the complete medical check-up of the child and then keeping in view the history and the child birth incidents, deduce whether the disability or the injury is due to some incident during child birth or it developed later after birth. Keeping all the evidential history in mind, they prepare their case and discuss the possibilities with their medical associates. The medical associates, which are experts, help to diagnose and to find the lapses in the medical treatment during the birth process.
With the help from the medical associates, a lawyer establishes the case and files medical compensation claim for the family who has suffered and might suffer for the rest of their life. The compensation is made keeping in mind the extent of the disability or the injury, which would help and support the individual for the treatment; and also for the financial loss which the family might have to bear for the treatment of the individual.
by: David Halbert
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