Should You Try A Teeth Whitening Pen?

Share: Buying a teeth whitening pen might be a good idea if you are looking for a safe
, easy way to brighten your smile. If you like to drink a lot of coffee, tea and cola or you are a big chocolate lover, you might be very interested in looking for a new way to sharpen your smile and brighten the look of your teeth with a teeth whitening pen. But is this the best way to go? What about all of these strips, trays and lights that we all have heard about? Which method is best? Safest? Most effective?
There are a lot of different companies that produce all kinds of different products that all promise to work miracles with smiles, so it can be really difficult to know what to purchase and what not to. People can pick different trays, strips, foams, lights and teeth whitening pens that can do the job they are intended to in different amounts of time. Some of them promise results that are visible in just a couple of days, and others are less expensive but they take longer to work. You have to decide how long you are willing to wait for results and weigh that against how much you are willing to pay, because basically the more you pay the faster you are supposed to be able to see results. What types of products are the best? Sorting out teeth whitening pens, gels, strips and trays might be a little easier to do than you might think.
The home kits that use different types of agents sometimes are available in a pen that has a whitening liquid that you apply right to your teeth. Brushing and using dental floss first is a good idea, as you can imagine so that you can have the gel hit as many surfaces as possible. Some of the teeth whitening pens also should be used along with a special ultraviolet light that is supposed to enhance the brightening effects. There are plenty of people that claim that these kits with the lights do work, and usually you can get them for about $40 or less, depending on the particular kit. It seems that a combination of the teeth whitening pen and another product like trays or lights works well for most people. If you are in a hurry to brighten your smile before a special event, you may want to go ahead and add the special light into your regimen to speed up the process. Most people are happy with the results they get from these teeth whitening pens.
by: Phoenix Delray
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