Common Concerns About Dental Implants: Implant Dentistry Treatment Overview

Share: If you have missing teeth that are affecting your smile or causing problems with chewing your food
, you might benefit greatly from the cosmetic dentistry procedure known as dental implants. Dental implants have been a wonderful solution for many people who didnt want to wear full dentures or a partial dental plate. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and common concerns about dental implants, along with brief answers.
Are dental implants long lasting?
Yes! In fact, with proper dental care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
What is involved in getting dental implants?
There are usually two surgical steps involved in getting dental implants. Generally, on your first visit to the cosmetic dentist to prepare you for the implants, you will have titanium posts implanted into your upper or lower jawbone. Then, after a period of roughly three to six months, your bone grows around the titanium implant. This is the anchor that will be the foundation for the artificial teeth that will follow. The second step will be to attach the artificial teeth.
Can a dental implant support a dental bridge?
Yes. Dental implants are often used to anchor dental bridges, especially in cases where the teeth are missing that would normally serve to anchor and stabilize the bridge.
Will health insurance cover the cost of dental implants?
Rarely. Dental implants are usually considered elective procedures, which means that they are not essential to your physical health and well being, so few health insurance providers will pay for them. The exception to this rule of thumb is when there has been accidental trauma that necessitates the use of dental implants to replace natural teeth.
Are dental implants natural looking?
Absolutely. Dental implants usually look, feel, and function just as natural teeth, and sometimes even better.
How do you care for dental implants?
Dental implants require the same oral care and hygiene as natural teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups.
If missing teeth have you missing out on flashing a radiant smile, talk to a cosmetic dentist today about dental implants.
by: Penelope Stone
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Common Concerns About Dental Implants: Implant Dentistry Treatment Overview New York City