Savvy Job Seekers Express Appreciation by:Heather Eagar

Share: Using a thank you letter after interview practice will make interview practice seem real
. Adding this sense of realism will do nothing but help you when it comes time for a real interview. You'll be comfortable and at ease and ready to present a real thank you letter, after having practiced the scenario beforehand.
With that in mind then going all the way in rehearsing for the interview and using it after interview practice just makes sense, and most serious job hunters will at least consider it as a technique that could help them impress a prospective employer and land the job of their dreams.
Preparing one to use is really quite simple. Sit down and write out a few paragraphs stating some general feelings about why you would be an asset to the company you are applying to. Look at your resume and find the two or three most important key points. Then write it accordingly, reminding the interviewer of why you would be a good employee for the organization he or she represents.
Invite some friends over to practice interviewing. A thank you letter after interview practice will be the next step. Pretend with your friends that it is the following day after your interview. Still wearing appropriate business attire, enter the office area and approach the gatekeeper with an envelope. This envelope should contain the letter you intend to leave. Explain to the gatekeeper that you have a letter for the interviewer, thank the gatekeeper for his or her time, and then leave. You've done your job well, and the letter will make a good impression for you.
You'll also receive a strong psychological boosted by using a thank you letter after interview practice. You'll be psyched up and ready. You'll be able to use a thank you letter after interview practice to improve your own self esteem, which makes you seem like a more valuable find to any hiring manager. If you property use a thank you letter after interview practice your self-confidence will be so high that you'll begin to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. Applying for more significant jobs, and perhaps even getting them. This is one of the side benefits to using a thank you letter after interview practice.
Using it after interview practice may seem silly to some people. But then, some people also don't believe that the clothing you wear will make a difference during the interview, or that your resume should be error free and well written. Those who think a thank you letter after interview practice is unnecessary are the people who will fail to get the best jobs, and may find themselves working for you some day. Keep that in mind, and when job hunting always use a thank you letter after interview practice.
About the author
Heather Eagar
Are you guilty of sabotaging your own job search along with the opportunity to earn more money? Heather Eagar, a former professional resume writer and creator of, provides reviews of the top resume writing services ( that put you in charge of your career so you can get the job you deserve. Sign-up for your free Job Search Tips E-Course (
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