Low Interest Debt Consolidation Loans - Getting A Low Rate by:Carrie Reeder

Share: Low interest debt consolidation loans can help you pay off your debt sooner
. For the lowest rates use your home equity to secure a loan. You can also find personal loans that will reduce your interest payments. Otherwise, transfer your credit balance to a new credit card account that offers 0% interest on transfers.
Home Equity Loans
Home equity loans offer low interest rates because they are secured with your property, reducing the chances of you defaulting. You can opt to cash out your equity by refinancing or applying for a second mortgage or line of credit.
Refinancing can cost thousands in upfront fees, buy they can offer you overall lower payments. Second mortgages and lines of credit usually cost zero to a couple of hundred of dollars to open, but their rates are higher than a traditional mortgage.
Personal Loans
Personal loans offered through banks and other financial lenders can also help you consolidate debt. These types of loans are based on your credit score and cash assets. Since these are unsecured loans, rates are higher. However, when compared to credit card rates, they are significantly lower.
Credit Card Transfers
You can also open a credit card to take advantage of 0% or low interest rates on transfer balances. These types of offers are introductory, so expect rates to jump in six to twelve months. In the meantime, you can start paying down debt while rates are low. At the end of the introductory period, you can open another account or look for a long term loan with low rates.
While transfers are attractive, they do carry risks. You should read the terms to be aware of any fees charged for transfers. Also, guard against racking up more debt by closing old accounts. This will also help your credit score in the long term.
Shopping Loan Rates
No matter what type of loan you choose to use to consolidate your debt, be sure to research rates. By comparing offers, you can save thousands in interest charges. Most lenders post their rates online for easy access. Be sure to read their terms as well to make sure you don't get caught on fees.
About the author
Carrie Reeder is the owner of
http://www.abcloanguide.com, an informational website about various types of loans.
View her recommended
http://www.abcloanguide.com/debtconsolidation.shtml companies.
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