Salient Features of Insurance Motor Vehicle Act

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The internet has become one of the most happening sites for the purchase and sale of motor vehicles. Along with increasing awareness among buyer and sellers for motor vehicles, the awareness for acts like the insurance motor vehicle act has also gained prominence.
In the age of e-enabled solutions or all facets of life, purchase and sale of cars through the internet has also gained a fair amount of importance. In fact, most of the car trades happen online among various buyers and sellers for motor cars. The internet has become a hot bed of trade in motor vehicle and has reduced the physical presence and requirement of several car dealers.
Online auto classifieds have now replaced a substantial portion of the classified section in the news paper columns. They have followed the popularity of many classified sites like that of property, matrimonial, job search sites and dating services. Online auto classifieds offer several services which are far superior to that of conventional newspaper ads. They offer features like full blown photos of the proposed vehicle, full page ads and privacy options.
The above features are available in many websites such as These sites offer the flexibility of searching for potential vehicles by city, model, make and year of manufacture. Some sites have now gone into inspection and certification of used vehicles to offer preliminary quotes. This takes into account factors like age of the vehicle, place of registration, vehicle performance history and fitted accessories.
The model and age of the vehicle is the most important feature which a buyer should look into before deciding his choice of vehicle. In the insurance motor vehicle act, depreciation of the car is an important parameter which has been described in length. Depreciation of the car starts from the first day of purchase. The price of the car would then be a factor of the depreciation applicable on the car based on mileage.
Several agencies have also made use of the internet facility to sell their used cars. Colourful auto advertisement and pop up windows with best offer prices attract the buyers and ensures continuous customer recall. This is an important marketing strategy which most of the sellers look to emulate.
Plan Car Vehicle Act
The plan car vehicle act is also displayed prominently on the internet and seeks to address the concerns of individual car buyer and sellers. This allows the buyer to get a fair idea about the different motor acts and creates awareness among them.
The process of buying or selling cars on the internet is actually quite simple. One has to be vigilant on the basic features which impact decision making regarding the type of vehicle to be bought. Most web sites offer the flexibility of registering free online or may be by payment of a nominal sum. These sites also offer the user the flexibility to categorize his lot of vehicles at one go. Of course, the immediate benefit to a buyer or a seller is that they do not need to pay commission or brokerage for their purchase or sale decision. The awareness of the insurance motor vehicle act also enables the buyer to ensure compliance to all relevant provisions of the law
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