Timothy Martell will Reveal "Automotive Facebook Marketing" on April 16-18 at Automotive Marketing Boot Camp

Share: Timothy Martell will Reveal "Automotive Facebook Marketing" on April 16-18 at Automotive Marketing Boot Camp
Facebook is an exciting medium. There are amazing success stories and equally amazing monumental failures. Everyone seems to know that they need to be "on Facebook," but very few people seem to know why other than to say that it's "where your consumers are" or "you're missing out on free advertising" or "its the most exciting advertising vertical in history". No car dealer wants to miss out the opportunity to be a part of the Automotive Facebook medium. Wikimotive has worked on such a product and at the 2011 Automotive Marketing Boot Camp in Orlando, Facebook marketing expert Tim Martell will Reveal "Automotive Facebook Marketing" for dealers to get the advantage of facebook presence to the fullest. The time has come to put the power of Facebook into the hands of business owners in a way that leads to duplicatable results.
Timothy Martell, CEO of WikiMotive was featured in AutoSuccess Dec 09 magazine. Under his leadership Marlboro Nissan's website drives more than 30,000 visitors per month. Timothy Martell executes a cutting edge online marketing strategy consisting of Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, SEO, Microsites, Local Search, Consumer Rating Websites, Online Tools etc which have made Marlboro Nissan to become one of the volume leaders in the whole of New England.
Most car dealer fan pages have a few hundred fans. There is nothing more unimpressive as a consumer than going to a Facebook fan page to find ZERO presence. The purpose of your Facebook fans is to become your own free marketing agency. Every single one of them comes with an average of 130 leads130 referrals130 opportunities to earn a customer. And the best part is that when they market for you, they bring more credibility to the table than the most brand loyal company on the planet.

Share: Timothy Martell set out to uncover the process for successful automotive facebook marketing.
The criteria for success is as follows:
1) To drive "Like's" (Fans) to the dealer's fan page
2) To increase brand awareness in the local market
3) To increase traffic to dealer website
4) To create a conversion path using the Facebook platform to increase leads
5) To create a direct path for consumer engagement.
6) To measure results
7) To generate revenue and gain incremental business.
Why Facebook marketing?
They have over 150 Million users in the United States
Everyday 75 Million of them sign in to get their fix
They share 9 Billion pieces of content and spend 210 Billion minutes there EVERY MONTH
The Facebook marketing initiative resulted in an increase of over $6 Million in gross sales and a 47% increase in net profit in 2010.
Will you get your unfair share of this traffic in 2011? Find out how this April in Orlando!
Topic to be covered during the 2011 Automotive Marketing Boot Camp include digital marketing, social media engagement, lead management processes, BDC structure and workflows, video publishing, reputation management, Google Places marketing, Google Adwords strategies, automotive blogging, content syndication, website analytics, as well as Automotive SEO.
To register for the Boot Camp or see this year's itinerarygo online to: http://www.automotivemarketingbootcamp.com
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Timothy Martell will Reveal "Automotive Facebook Marketing" on April 16-18 at Automotive Marketing Boot Camp Alagoa Nova