Riding Lawnmower Safety Tips: How To Avoid Injury

Share: Riding lawnmower safety might not be the first thing you think of when you buy the best riding lawnmower
. Its a tool, one that will allow you to rapidly and easily cut the grass on your lawn. That doesnt mean you shouldnt take precautions, though. This article will help you stay safe while mowing your grass.
Avoid steep slopes. You should never head directly up a hill. These lawnmowers are heavy and can tip over very easily if you are on a hill, potentially trapping you underneath. Instead of going directly up the hill, try a side to side movement or find another way to get up to the top. Steep inclines should be mowed by hand.
Never leave it running. When it comes to riding lawnmower safety, youd think this would be obvious, but many people end up injured because they arent careful and leave the mower on while they get down to check something. This can be very dangerous, even in mowers that have protectors.
Clear the area. Make sure that the space you plan to mow is clear of debris, since this can be thrown up and hit you. Its a good plan to mow regularly so the grass never gets so tall that you cant see whats under it.
Wear protective gear. This goes hand in hand with the above advice. Make sure you have goggles in particular, since the eyes can be very badly injured. Flying rocks or sticks can cause a lot of damage if you arent protected.
Now that you know a bit more about riding lawnmower safety, you should be safe. These mowers are a great way to ensure that you get everything done without personal injury. As long as you use them safely, you should be fine.
by: Mark Hudson
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