Auto insurance is mandatory in every state in America
. But with the way the economy has been some families find it hard to pay the monthly premium when they are living on low or limited income. You would think that if car insurance was mandatory they would have a program to help get auto insurance for low income families. Well, good news, there may be a program out there just for you.
There is a program that was created to help people who live on a low income. It will decrease the amount of your monthly premium so that you will be able to afford it. This type of program can be a big help to those with limited income.
Now not all states, cities, counties, will have this type coverage. You will have to check online or with an insurance agent to find out if the program is even available in your area. But if there is a program like this covering your area it would be worth the time to check into.
Most programs like this will be found in areas where the rates are really high due to heavy traffic and large numbers of accident. The rate of risk in these areas is high so the insurance rates are going to be higher than lower risk areas. This would probably cover most big cities and metropolitan areas. But it does not hurt to check your own area just to make sure.
If your area does have a program like this you will have to qualify for it. They will check you income, how many people you support, and what kind of bill you have to pay. You will have to fill out an application and have it approved. You will probably have to have proof of your income and bills also.
They will also check you driving record when deciding weather or not you will be eligible. Most programs will not accept you if you have more than one accident that was your fault. If you are a high risk driver that has had a lot of ticket or accident you probably will not be accepted into this program.
So if you are struggling with you monthly insurance payment, it may be worth your time to see if there is an auto insurance for low income program in your area. You have nothing to loose and loads to gain.