Rehabilitating Knee And Ankle Injuries Using Fitness Boards

Share: Among the most common and most feared types of injury suffered by athletes around the world are those to do with the ankles and the knees
. These injuries are particularly common because it is extremely easy to lose your balance and fall with a knee or ankle in an awkward position while running, thereby injuring the tendons or ligaments that run through those complex joints. Although many people are unaware of it, fitness boards are an excellent way to rehabilitate such injuries, and using an exercise disc for a period of time each day can greatly speed up the recovery process.
The reason why knee and ankle injuries are among the most feared injuries is that the tendons and ligaments of the body, once injured, do not ever fully recover. They are much like rubber bands, and are built to stretch in order to take the bodys weight when you move. Once you overstretch them, however, even if they do not snap, they do not regain the same degree of elasticity ever again. The way tendons and ligaments work is very much the same.
Because of this, rehabilitation of knee and ankle injuries often involves training the surrounding muscles to take on the load previously borne by the ligaments and tendons. Fitness boards provide a convenient and effective method of training those muscles, far superior to some of the regular exercise that are often prescribed by physiotherapists for the rehabilitation of such injuries.
The need to constantly balance your body while on an exercise disc activates those muscles in the leg that would otherwise not be necessary until you are involved in some form of strenuous exercise. A person with healthy knees and ankles would be able to rely on their tendons and ligaments to keep their body balanced while on an exercise disc, but a person with a knee or ankle injury would have to use other muscles in order to keep their balance. In this way, those muscles that are able to take the place of the injured ligaments or tendons are exercised, and will eventually become strong enough that your body will perform as well as if you were never injured in the first place.

Share: Fitness boards are the perfect exercise for rehabilitating such injuries because they provide a dynamic form of exercise. Often, rehabilitation exercises are targeted, meaning that they work out one specific muscle at a time. While this is certainly an important form of exercise, it is also important to exercise your entire body at the same time, so as to better recreate the conditions under which your body will have to use those specific muscles together in order to maintain balance.
With fitness boards, you will be able to perform these exercise in the comfort of your very own home, and you will only require a small space in which to put the exercise disc. Fitness boards also make great conversation pieces, and guests at your home will often want to give it a try, simply because they have never seen an exercise disc before and it is a novel idea to them.
by: Vikram Kumar
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