Do You Have Adequate Caravan Insurance?

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Do You Have Adequate Caravan Insurance?
It is important to ensure that you have adequate caravan insurance behind you in case the worst case scenario arises. Imagine the horror of it being stolen, or of it burning to the ground a few months after purchase. While not a nice thought it is a possibility and insurance for caravans would typically cover these events.
When looking for insurance for a brand new caravan costing many thousands of pounds it makes sense to insure it fully comprehensive. This means that it is covered for a great deal of events which include fire, theft, vandalism, storm damage, contents and much more. When covering a new caravan you could choose to take out agreed values cover. This means that the caravan is valued and this is the sum of money that you claim from the provider if the caravan is destroyed or stolen. However there is usually a time limit on replacements, for instance some providers only provide you with a brand new caravan if it was under a certain age.

Share: There are many things that need be covered when taking out touring caravan insurance that you would not want when looking for static insurance. For example when you have a touring caravan you may wish to travel outside of the UK with it and into Europe. If so you need to have something called European caravan insurance included in your policy. European insurance will offer the same protection as it does in the UK when you are travelling around Europe. For instance, if you break down the policy should pay towards towing and repairing the caravan. It should also include up to so much money per day for so many days for you to stay in alternative accommodation while your caravan is being repaired.
If you own a static caravan and it gets totally destroyed you might want to check if the caravan insurance policy would payout towards removing the debris left behind. You might also want to check if the fixtures and fittings of the caravan are included in the policy. This might include things such as the patio, fencing, decking and steps. There might also be a limitation on the amount these are covered for so check in the small print.
Remember when taking out caravan insurance that you always have to pay so much money towards any claim that you make. This amount is called the excess and can vary depending on the insurance provider. Some ask for more than others and while this could bring down the cost of insurance a little each month, you do need to find this sum of money as a lump sum if a claim is made. Finally when comparing insurance for caravans you might want to check to find out how easy it is to make a claim with the provider. For instance do they offer a 24 hour helpline? The last thing you need if you have to make a claim is to wait until they open again after the weekend to be able to get in touch with your insurance provider.
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