Psychics, Mediums & Clairvoyants

Share: There seems to be, and apparently always has been
, much confusion over the definitions between psychics, mediums and clairvoyants. It has been brought to my attention many times via emails received, that many people don't know the difference between all of these 'names' that those of us that work with spirit and energy are blessed with.
To help give just a brief run down before my more lengthy explanations here is a quick resume of what the dictionary had to say about each of these:
Psychic - pertaining to mental forces, telepathy, extra sensory perception Medium - contacting and being able to communicate with spirits of the dead Clairvoyance - the ability to see things beyond our normal senses
Let's start with explaining about a psychic. Someone that calls himself or herself a psychic may well be labelling themselves as such because it is globally recognised as someone that can 'read you' and most likely be able to tell you about, your past, present, future and many other things that the psychic could not possibly have known about you before having your reading.

Share: This essentially is correct, but how they do this in the true sense of the word, is that as a psychic they will have like a 'mental connection' with you and they will also read your energy field, so they will be very sensitive and be able to pick up on your thoughts and energy most of all.
We then get to what I call the 'Clairs'. We have at least three 'clair' abilities and they are clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Interesting here though, that the dictionary only recognises sentience and not clairsentience.
Now, clairvoyance actually translates to 'clear seeing'. It means that the person that is working with their clairvoyant ability will be able to see images of people, places or things in their minds eye, they are able to describe these to you during a reading or when giving a message. This does not mean that they are fortune tellers or seers of the future, although that doesn't mean that you won't get some information about the future, but clairvoyance is by definition simply clear seeing, and not seeing the future, always ask for clarification that your psychic reader can tell the future.
A good clairvoyant will, and indeed should, validate things for you that have happened in the past and things that are happening in the present. If they don't, how will you know or believe if what they are saying about the future holds any weight?
Now as well as clairvoyance, there is also something called clairaudience. Clairaudience is essentially 'clear hearing'. This means that we will hear information from Spirit. This might be ones own Spirit Guides or if working as a medium giving messages it will be the Spirit of the loved one that is no longer here, giving that information.
There is also another ability that many readers work with and that is Clairsentience. This is where we feel things, or sense things, as the word suggests, it is 'clear sensing'. I usually get this, again when working as a medium, when someone has passed with a certain illness or condition. For a split second I will feel a sensation that they would have felt before they passed on or perhaps the sensation of a condition they would have suffered with during their life, so that I can describe this to the person I am giving a message to. This helps to validate which particular person is coming through from Spirit for them.
Now I have mentioned a couple of times about working as a medium and we still have this to explain. Mediums and mediumship are slightly trickier to define, or very simple, depending on whether you want the easy version or the more complex one!
The simple version is that a medium is someone that 'talks to dead people'!
The harder version is that a medium by another definition is the 'channel' by which information from spirit passes through or indeed is the channel through which any energy passes. By this definition all of us indeed are mediums (as opposed to smalls or largessorry, couldn't resist getting that in somewhere!). This is because we all channel energy to some degree or another. If we draw, we are a medium (as is the pencil) through which energy flows to create the picture on the page.
This then means by its very nature that anyone working with Spirit or energy on any level could be called a medium. A medium in this sense is then being defined as a 'channel'.
So someone that calls themselves a clairvoyant/medium, by rights, should be able to describe your loved ones from the spirit world and also to describe visually things around your home or family for example. It has been brought to my attention that there are a few 'clairvoyant/mediums' out there, that aren't in fact either of these! They may 'read' people, but they may be reading via their psychic or sentient ability and not actually 'seeing' anything at all, or indeed they may not be able to talk with your loved ones in spirit either
by: Rachel Ann B
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