Success Can't Find You If You're Not There!

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Author: lourileyinc

Share: A great friend of mine once shared a story about a famous boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier called the "Thrilla in Manila." This was the third and final match-up between two of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. This 15-round fight would challenge every fiber of each contestant's being. It is said that after the 14th round, Frazier's corner had seen enough. He had been virtually unable to see after a severe beating by Ali. Joe Frazier's trainer told him that it was over as his health and safety were his utmost concerns. Ali would later admit that he was in no condition to return to the middle of the ring to fight a 15th round. He said that it was the closest he had ever come to dying in the boxing ring. He would later shower Joe Frazier with praise. What also stand out about this story is that prior to the bell ringing to start round 15, Ali knew that he could not last another round with Frazier. He had no knowledge of what was being discussed in his opponent's corner. When the bell rang to start what was supposed to be the final round of this match, Ali got off of his stool and made his way to the center of the ring to fight. Joe Frazier did not answer the bell, therefore Ali won by way of TKO (technical knockout). The lesson I teach as a result of this story is the same as what my college football coach, Willie Jefferies, used to say: "95% of being successful is being where you are supposed to be." When the bell rang to start a new round, only one of the fighters made their way to where they should have been. As a result, history will forever remember Ali as the winner of this fight. I share this to ask you, are you where you are supposed to be? I had an experience only a few days ago. You will have to understand that I have been on a journey to lose weight and improve my overall health. I have have very good success, but I still have a long road ahead of me. I sat in my car, at a local park only a few blocks away from the gym and I realized how much I did not want to go and exercise. I called up a good friend who is often a sounding board for me. I spoke about some of the ups and downs on my road to fitness. I also talked about how once you put out a thought, feeling or belief into the universe-you are now responsible for what things may come. Sometimes the road to success isn't always a clear path. There are things that we have been attracting to ourselves and our situation that we cannot see. However, I am certain that if you choose to not be where you are supposed to be, then the things that are waiting for you will never have a chance to enter your life. After listening to me talk, I quickly decided to go to the gym and get in a good workout.Who knows what things I was supposed to hear, see, touch, taste or think about as a result of exercising. One thing was certain, whatever there was for me to experience would have never come into my life had I not been where I was supposed to be. In fact, I can tell you without a doubt that there were some things I set in motion earlier that day as I took a leap of faith in yet another area of my life. Exercise is another form of prayer and meditation for me. It's an opportunity for me to put out positive vibrations into the universe. Later that evening, I received a quick response to the very process I initiated. Is that to say that the time spent in mediation at the gym had an affect on the outcome? For me it's proof enough to let me know that the lesson I am sharing here with you held true for Muhammad Ali... it held true for my college football hold true for me....and if you take this pearl of wisdom and apply it to your life, it will hold true for you. Success in large part is being where you are supposed to be! Dreams mean work!About the Author:
Lou Riley is a Motivational Speaker and a budding Weight Loss Guru
Learn more about his at his blog:
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