Provide Auto Advice To Your Website Visitors And Earn

Share: By providing good advice to your visitors who are unsure how to unravel an issue
with their current automobile or whether or not to buy a certain year or make of automobile, you have the chance to expand a nice little online business. If you offer your visitors quality auto advice, they will return to your site again and again to see how your advice can help them to maintain a better, longer lasting automobile.
Advice Web sites allow you to data-mine in targeted markets. Consider your users as your source of income. The more visitors you have and the more information you gather from the people you counsel, the better. There are a lot of permission marketing opportunities available with this type of business. You can ask your visitors for permission to send them specific types of information and then you can charge a sponsorship or advertising fee to those suppliers who have information they want distributed to these opt-in lists.
It is important that you offer sound advice on your site. If you offer advice that is incorrect or inappropriate, it could seriously hinder your business potential. You should place a disclaimer on your site in case this problem arises. This will exclude you from any legal action that may result from accidents or damages resulting from your automotive advice.
Marketing tips:
Viral marketing with a catchy Tell a Friend element would be appropriate for this type of site.
Make sure there are plenty of areas on your Web site that encourage users to provide their e-mail addressfor example, Click here if you would like to be notified when we update our advice column. You could also have product-specific mail lists to which visitors could opt in. Having an RSS feed to let subscribers know when you add new content is another neat feature to generate targeted traffic.
Participate in newsgroups, mailing lists, and discussion forums related to automobiles with a cleverly designed signature file.
Have your Web site listed and linked from as many auto-related directories, meta-indexes, and Web sites as possible.
Develop online press releases and have them distributed to as many automotive-related publications and e-zines as possible.
Web ring participation can have a significant impact on traffic, as there are many auto-related Web rings accessible from and
By: Francis Davidby: Francis David
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