Protect Your Car From Higher Insurance Rates This Winter

Share: If you live in an area that has super cold temperatures
, these temperatures offer the possibility of hazardous driving conditions as roads can freeze over and winter precipitation can cause serious damage to your vehicle and your auto insurance rates.
Safe driving and extra precaution is important for keeping yourself safe and avoiding accidents that could cause your auto insurance price quotes to increase. The safest way to avoid a winter-related accident is to simply stay off the roads and don't drive during inclement weather.
If you must brave the icy conditions, protect your auto insurance price quotes using the following tips to minimize your potential for costly claims:
Double check your policy coverage. After you've blown a tire in a large pot hole and are waiting for an expensive tow truck, you don't want to learn that your auto insurance plan doesn't cover it, leaving the cost to come out of your pocket.

Share: Incidents like this can be avoided by reviewing your auto insurance price quotes and checking for specific coverage like towing and labor, which cost about $1.00 per month per car. Reducing your speed. With icy overpasses and slippery roads, you have less traction. Proceed with less speed in order to avoid sliding into a fixed object or another vehicle.
Allowing more space between cars. Double your normal following speed from the recommended 3 seconds to 4-6 seconds to avoid a rear-end collision. These types of claims are almost always At-Fault accidents for the person who hits another from behind. Not slamming on the brakes.
Hitting the brakes in a panic will send you skidding across the slippery roadway. Accidents almost always cause auto insurance price quotes to rise, and may even result in serious injury. Try to maintain constant pressure on your brakes for better control of your vehicle during icy conditions. Getting your car checked BEFORE winter.
A great way to avoid auto insurance accident claims is to get your car tuned up and checked out before the first big winter freeze. Be sure to check out the battery and ignition systems, brakes, tires, fuel and air filters, and put in some winter weight oil to keep your engine operating efficiently.
Get comprehensive coverage. To protect your auto insurance price quotes from costly weather related damage, include comprehensive coverage on your policy.
With comprehensive coverage, your auto insurance company will reimburse you for any loss due to damage caused by a non-collision related incident, including a fire, falling objects, catastrophic storms and severe weather. And the best part is these types of claims generally don't increase your rates.
Of course, there are many other ways to protect your vehicle and yourself from harsh conditions. With proper maintenance and weatherization, you can be prepared for the worst winter conditions. But what's even more important is getting the right auto insurance price quotes to protect your finances from costly accidents.
One thing is to winterize your car. Here are some things you can do to make sure your car is driving as safely as it can. Consider using snow tires. Check the tire pressure and make sure your vehicle's four-wheel-drive system is working properly.
Inspect the belts and hoses. Inspect the wipers and wiper fluid, check the battery. Check antifreeze mixture. The ideal mixture of antifreeze (coolant) and water inside your vehicle's radiator is 50:50. If the mixture deviates from this norm, then hot- and cold-weather performance can be compromised.
If you were to put pure water in your vehicle's radiator, it would freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But if you combine the water with an equal amount of antifreeze, the new mixture won't freeze until -34 degrees Fahrenheit!
Carry an emergency kit inside the car. Wintertime requires you to load more junk into the back of your vehicle. But hey, better safe than sorry, right? Things you might want to consider carrying:
A flashlight, flares and a first-aid kit. Jumper cables, a tool kit and tire chains.
A blanket, warm clothes and gloves. Paper towels.

Share: A bag of abrasive material, such as sand, salt or non-clumping kitty litter. Use this for added traction when a tire is stuck.
A snow brush, ice scraper and snow shovel. Extra washer fluid.
Extra food and water.
by: Tom Selwick
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