Required Auto Insurance New Jersey Coverages

Share: In the state of New Jersey, residents are required to carry auto insurance to legally operate a vehicle on public roadways
. While some states in the nation only require drivers to carry Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage options, New Jersey requires additional coverage to protect not only third parties, but the insured as well. When you are purchasing a vehicle, it is important to educate yourself on auto insurance New Jersey required coverage and what they are designed to cover to have the upper hand when you are quoting insurance through leading insurance providers in your area.
Liability coverage is required in every state in the United States. While the required limits of liability required will vary, every liability coverage section includes coverage for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. If you are found to be at fault for an accident, your liability coverage will pay for injuries to the third party vehicle's passengers and damages to the third party's property. In the state of New Jersey, insured drivers can carry limits of $15,000 per person/ $30,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $5000 per accident for Property Damage. While these limits will satisfy the state laws for auto insurance New Jersey, it is recommended for drivers to purchase higher limits if they can afford to do so.
Personal Injury Protection, also referred to as PIP, covers injuries sustained by you or your passengers no matter who is at fault in the accident. Because New Jersey is concerned about the health of their residents, law requires drivers to protect themselves in the event they are injured in an accident. This coverage can be helpful for those with and without medical insurance.
Uninsured Motorist Underinsured Motorist Coverage pays for the injuries of you and your passengers if you are hit by a driver with no insurance or not enough insurance to pay for the injuries they caused. The state requires drivers to carry a minimum of $15,000 per person/ $30,000 per accident of coverage to match your liability coverage. While these are the state requirements, policyholders can elect to carry limits up to the limits they choose on the liability section of the policy. Property Damage is also available to pay for your deductible or up to $5000 of damage to your vehicle if you do not carry collision coverage on your vehicle.

Share: There are coverage options also available including Comprehensive and Collision coverage options. Quote a variety of different coverage limits to get an idea of the premiums you will pay for more comprehensive coverage. While it is important to carry even the minimum limits required by the state, it is also important to protect yourself against lawsuits and wage garnishments by carrying an adequate amount of auto insurance.
by: Brenda Fullwerth
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