Prostate Treatment Options
There are a lot of prostate treatment options available today
. Which one should you choose for your prostate problems? I hope this article could help you out.
First, we discuss about your prostate. Prostate enlargement start when men ages 40 and above. It is because the male hormone testosterone is accumulated in the prostate gland thus making it grow larger and larger as men age. When men reached the age of 60, there is an increased rate that they may get prostate cancer.
Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include difficulty urinating, pain in the testes and in the back, pain when having sexual intercourse, and frequent urinations. This is due to the increased pressure in the urethra because of the enlargement of the prostate. When the urethra is compressed, urine flow is blocked resulting to urinary stasis.
Stasis of urine can result into frequent urinations, urination during night time (or nocturia) and dribbling of urine. In severe cases, it may result to kidney damage. Urine stasis can harbor a lot of bad bacteria in the bladder and can result to urinary tract infection (UTI). Prostate problems are often accompanied by UTI symptoms.
Prostate treatment options include drug regimen, herbal medicines, supplements, alternative medicine and surgery. Surgical procedure for enlarged prostate is called transurethral resection of the prostate. This procedure is only done when other options are not working well. Chemotherapy is the treatment for prostate cancer.
Drug regimen for enlarged prostate includes anti-inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs and corticosteroids, analgesics and pain relievers. Though these drugs can be bought over the counter, you still have to consult your doctor first for the dosage prescription. Wrongful self-medication can be life threatening.
Medications often have side effects and adverse reactions, so other people rather choose home remedies and herbal supplements than medicines. There are a lot of herbal treatments available in the market today. They come in different solutions, formulas and different brand and manufacturers. Some come in capsules, tablets and liquid formulas. You just have to choose which is best suited for you.
Home remedies include soaking in a warm bath or shower for 15 minutes. Frequent ejaculation can also help you out. This will lessen the accumulated hormones in the prostate gland. These procedures will help shrink your prostate.
Until now there is no primary treatment for prostate problems. The remedies are just for alleviating the symptoms. You just have to be wise in choosing between prostate treatment options.
by: Miley Queen.
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