Accident Claims Helpline - Mesothelioma Claims
If you have contracted asbestosis as a result of working in a dangerous environment
. if you are constantly in contact with the material then you are likely to contract the illness, therefore special safety procautions should be taken and special equipments should be worn.
The compensation you receive can help you deal with your financial loss of earnings now and in the future.
The compensation can also help with the cost of specialist care and hospital visits.
Asbestosis is a disease caused by the inhalation of asbestos particles, which then cause aggravation and inflammation to the lung. Asbestos fibres cause scarring to the lung tissue and cause an immune response from the body, which is not effective against the asbestos fibres.
When diagnosing asbestosis, it's important to be able to distinguish it from the conditions of lung cancer and mesothelioma, which have similar symptoms. Asbestosis is generally caused by long term exposure to asbestos.
In particular, professions such as miners, garage workers, plumbers and builders are often affected by asbestosis due to their frequent contact with the material. Asbestosis is therefore often referred to as an occupational lung disease.
Because you might contract asbestosis due to your profession, if you can prove that your employer was at fault when you were working with asbestos then you may have a good case for an asbestosis claim.
Symptoms of asbestosis primarily include shortness of breath. Tightness of the chest and chest pains.
If you have suffered / are suffering asbestosis as the fault of someone else, personal injury consultants such as Accident Claims Helpline are available to help.
Accident Claims Helpline - Mesothelioma Claims
By: Annabelle
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