Pools Don't Waste Water

Share: Copyright (c) 2010 Ready 4 a ChangeContrary to a very popular misconception
, swimming pools are not big water wasters. Owning and operating a swimming pool does not mean that you have to waste a lot of water - or use an excessive amount of it. While the initial filling up of a pools Brisbane do require large amounts of water, from there on out swimming pools Brisbane use a minimal amount - especially when operated and maintained properly. Compared with bathrooms and kitchens, pools use very little water - and waste far less of it. If you own a pool and want to save as much water as possible, check out the points below for inspiration.Tips On Saving Water=> Top Off Infrequently - There is no need to constantly top up your pool water. In fact, it should only be done on occasion, as frequently adding fresh water to the pool can throw off its delicate balance of chemicals. Evaporation is generally so minimal that there shouldn't be a need to add a lot of fresh water on a regular basis, anyway.=> Run The Filter - Some people try to lower their electricity bills by only running their pool filter occasionally. Unfortunately doing so can cause serious maintenance issues resulting with the removal of large quantity of water. For best results, run your pool's filter at least eight hours per day in the summer - and a couple of hours per day in the winter.=> Keep An Eye On The Pool's Chemical Balance - Get into the habit of checking your pool's chemical balance a couple of times per day. That way, you can catch problems early on and correct them before they become major issues. In turn, you can largely avoid having to dump out a lot of the pool's water, replacing it with fresh water - and wasting a lot of it while doing so.=> Perform Regular Manual Cleaning - Relying solely on the pool's equipment to keep it in pristine condition is never a good idea. Through getting into a regular habit of manually cleaning the pool, you will be placing less stress on the filtration system; that way, the need to backwash will be lessened, and more water will ultimately be saved.=> Discourage Rough Play - Tell those who swim in your pool to refrain from rough play that involves a lot of splashing; all of that splashing can waste bucket upon bucket of water.=> Cover It Up - Minimise the amount of evaporation that occurs by covering your pool up when it's not in use. This is one of the simplest, easiest ways to save water when you own a pool, so invest in a decent cover and use it.
Pools Don't Waste Water
By: Alma Orozco
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