Build Massive Arms With the 2010 Bicep & Tricep Arm Assault Workout

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Achieve ultimate arm development by incorporating this workout into your routine! If you are after a massive pump that will push your arms to bigger, stronger, more defined heights, get in on this workout now!
This workout only uses two exercises: bench dips for triceps and barb bell curls for biceps. This may seem a little light for number of exercises but its the way we are going to mix it up that makes this workout the powerful, explosive routine that it is.
You are going to start with 20 bench dips, so either do 20 bench dips with your own body weight or add some additional weight on your thighs so you can do 20. Once complete, pick a weight that you can perform 10 barb bells curls and jump right into it. Once complete, go right back to bench dips and do another 10 reps. To finish off circuit 1, do 20 barb bell curls. You then want to rest no more than 90 seconds and repeat the circuit. In order to complete this bicep and tricep arm assault workout, do the entire circuit 3 times.
As a recap, here are the sets and reps for one circuit.
Bicep & Tricep Arm Assault Workout - Complete 3 Circuits to Complete Workout
Exercise 1: Bench Dips
20 Reps
Exercise 2: Barb bell Curls
10 Reps
Exercise 3: Bench Dips
10 Reps
Exercise 4: Barb bell Curls
20 Reps
The key to continual muscle development is to constantly switch up your routines in order to keep your muscles guessing. This workout is a perfect example of that compared to your typical arm workouts. The sets and reps are altered and doing 4 exercises in a row not only builds a super pump in your arms but also develops that muscular endurance
For maximum results in 2010, be sure to follow a workout program workouts that varies every few weeks in sets, reps and rep tempo and moves between circuit training and non circuit training workout phases. This will enable you to build the most muscle, burn the most fat and build your muscular endurance and push you that much closer to the best shape of your life!
Build Massive Arms With the 2010 Bicep & Tricep Arm Assault Workout
By: Frank Marconi
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