Penalties for DUI Shouldn't Make you Settle for a High Insurance Rate
Penalties for DUI Shouldn't Make you Settle for a High Insurance Rate
The penalties for DUI have become steeper and a lot more commonplace in the United States in recent years. If you are stopped and found driving under the influence you will not be shown any leniency in this matter.
This is why you should do what you can to start rebuilding your life as soon as possible. One of the penalties for DUI is an astronomical increase in your auto insurance rates. This is something that will last for years but there are a few things you can do to minimize the damage done.
Three things to help keep your insurance rate as low as possible after a DUI conviction.
1. Take a defensive driving course. This will look good to your insurance company and help to keep your rate lower.
2. Find out what safety features that can be added to your vehicle to lower your rates. Call your insurance company and find out if adding anti-theft devices, passenger side air bags, or an anti-lock braking system to your vehicle will lower your rates and have them added.
3. You can reduce the annual mileage driven on your car. I'm sure you know, auto insurance companies charge a lower rate to persons who drive the least amount of miles each year.
These are three things that you can do to try and keep your insurance rates as low as possible after a DUI conviction. You should also check with other companies that specialize in DUI insurance rates. You may find a lower rate at a new company.